quinta-feira, 14 de junho de 2012
quarta-feira, 13 de junho de 2012
sexta-feira, 11 de maio de 2012
clarify a few things here. I received crap messages from stupid people giving
me hell about the way I defended Carolyn in a topic on facebook. The person is so
daring that he or she created a fake profile to give me hell about it. Let’s
start to clarify a few details about that period of Carolyn’s life that some
people might not know. I’m going to post articles from Newspapers and part from
her book to make comparisons. As for the ones who didn’t read the book, this
text might contain spoiler informations so, if you intend to read the book and
want to keep the good details for your own reading pleasure, you better stop
now. Really, I’m such spoil sport.
I - The similarity
between Carolyn’s life facts and the character Jenny (Susan) in ‘Twice Upon a
Of course not an autobiographical book but yes,
as said by Carolyn herself the book has parts about her own life and
experiences, things she saw and lots of people she knew. Back then the characters were recognized this way:
Susan Maxwell – Carolyn
Jerry Pelham – Aaron Spelling
Ben Whitfield – Herbert Greene
Cy – Budd Moss
Cy – Budd Moss
The similarity between Carolyn and Susan’s character is alarming. Both were actresses, born in Texas, some of the physical descriptions match and both glamorous movie stars.
Jerry Pelham and Aaron had their similarities as well, both movie producers in ascension, the same crisis faced by Susan and Jerry’s character was as well faced by Carolyn and Aaron during their marriage, which was known as an off and on relationship, they were pretty much of the time apart due to their careers. The same reason led to divorce in the book as well in real life.
Right after the divorce papers were out, Carolyn was already romantically involved with Budd Moss.
Budd and Aaron had their problems in the past before Carolyn and Aaron got divorced, which didn’t get a lot better after they divorced. The same in the book, Jerry and Cy weren’t really crazy over each other.
Note about Carolyn and Aaron’s divorce papers out, Carolyn and Budd were already together:
Note about Carolyn and Aaron’s divorce papers out, Carolyn and Budd were already together:
Second note about Budd and Aaron:
Between Greene and Ben, some points should be highlighted. Ben was a talented Broaway arranger-composer and voice coach, as well as Greene. Susan and Ben in the book meet while Ben’s in a totally crazy emotional relationship, as well as in real life. For the one who don’t know about it, Greene was married and Carolyn was still with Budd when they met, after he got divorced and she decided to leave Budd, they got married. They met when Carolyn needed someone to advise her about the stage career and offers for broadway plays and musicals she had in mind. Her agent told her about Greene.
In Twice Upon a Time...
In Diary of a Food Addict...
And just to feedback the argument of: “Probably 90% of this was changed to benefit Greene’s side”:
II- Everybody hates
After everything I read about Greene, there was
something quite peculiar which caught my attention. Greene and Aaron had a
serious business problem long before Carolyn and him were together. Apparently,
Spelling wanted to join the Broadway business area, he wanted to produce
musicals and searched for Greene as the musical director, Greene for some
reason turned down the offer, leaving Aaron not very happy.
Most of people take all the information in the “Morticia
and More” documentary very seriously, since I’m a person who’s more attached to
written articles, Nolan Miller, who was the one who seemed the most assured
about Herbert, was Aaron’s long time business partner and friend. Nothing mean
about Greene was said by her sister Bette or Astin. The thing
about Greene said by Bette Moriarty was that the wedding was a huge surprise;
since she thought Budd was still the one (and was, since Carolyn and Greene
started their relationship before they were free from their partners).
(I’m still trying to download the article where
Bette complains about the documentary being twisted in several parts).What I read about Greene is that he was a very sincere person, not really worried about other’s opinion but yet a sweet person (the source of this comment is the interview I'm still trying to get in PDF like all the others I posted here, quoted by Bette).
Down here there's the article where Judy Holliday talks about Greene back when she was having singing classes with him.
We rendezvoused at the studio of Herbert Greene, a stocky thirty-five year-old musician and “vocal director”, who has coached such nonmusical actors and Henry Fonda and Rosalind Russell.
Judy, naturally shy and comic, stood in a corner. She wore a gray skirt, a black sleeveless blouse with a broad black belt which traced her slender waist. Greene sat at the piano, smoking a cigar through a holder.
“Judy’s the only pupil I’m keeping on,” Greene volunteered. “My career is shifting away from voice coaching. But I can’t let Judy go. She’s a genius! I get too much out of these lessons. She brings as much to these lessons as she takes away. What an imagination! What a talent!”
“What a line, gee,” said Judy, dimpling with a smile. “The first month with Herb I lived in this corner with my face to the wall. I wouldn’t let anyone but Herb hear me and I didn’t want him seeing me try to sing.”
“Perfectly natural,” put in Greene. “People aren’t used to their voices being powerful. They’re quickly embarrassed. Once Judy got used to her power she found physical satisfaction in roaring like a lion. Listen!” Greene jumped up, seized Judy’s neck, one hand on either side, thumbs on her chin, and hummed a note. Judy rolled her brown eyes toward the ceiling and roared like a lion, roller-coasting up and down major and minor runs. Finally Greene let go of her and looked pleased.
“Judy,” he said, “I wanted you to explain what I was trying to do there.”
“Choke me to death,” said Judy, who was lighting a cigarette. “Herb says smoking doesn’t hurt a singer’s voice. He is like a TV commercial.”
“I force muscles involved with the voice to do their best work,” Greene said, taking over the explanation. “Judy, you do it this time.” Greene plumped himself down at the piano and struck a chord. Judy placed her thumbs on her chin, her fingers on her cheeks and went through another (what Greene called) “vocalese.” “Certain muscles,” said Greene, “neither needed nor wanted, if not inhibited by physical force, would take over.”
“He means if I didn’t hang onto my jaw it would get rigid.” said Judy.
“I’m trying to develop those muscular reflexes,” continued Greene.
“Like Pavlov,” said Judy. “When Herb strikes a note, I bark.”
“I can’t give her up, ever,” said Greene, looking at Judy fondly through his cigar smoke. “Few pupils would respond this well to my dealing simultaneously with volume, size, sound, color and variety of voice. She’s as psychic dame. She knows what I think and mean without my having to say it. When she learns something it’s hers forever.”
“That’s life,” said Judy casually, fussing with her hair. “I have a matinee today; don’t ruin me with all this talk.”
After that, I think we’re allowed to take out our conclusions. Greene and Carolyn were aware of some people who weren’t really glad about their wedding.
Diary of a Food Addict:
II - Carolyn was forced to retire and live away from the ones she loved.
Did you know that most people stopped talking to Carolyn after the release of her book?
III- Articles from Herbert and Carolyn's time:
III- Articles from Herbert and Carolyn's time:
- Ah, but what about Greene shooting himself so Carolyn wouldn’t leave him?
Do we need anything else?
Herbert was a hunter.
When you’re a hunter there’s a possibility that you might get hurt with a shotgun.
When you’re a cook you might get hurt with a knife.
When you’re a drummer it’s possible that one of the sticks end up in the wrong place.
He didn’t shoot himself to make Carolyn stay, specially because they weren’t together anymore a year before the divorce papers were out, a little late to start shooting everything, isn’t it?
Soo...1977, the year the Addams Family Reunion came out, being record in the middle of 1976, which takes me to something Ted Cassidy said in an interview…
When you’re a hunter there’s a possibility that you might get hurt with a shotgun.
When you’re a cook you might get hurt with a knife.
When you’re a drummer it’s possible that one of the sticks end up in the wrong place.
He didn’t shoot himself to make Carolyn stay, specially because they weren’t together anymore a year before the divorce papers were out, a little late to start shooting everything, isn’t it?
Soo...1977, the year the Addams Family Reunion came out, being record in the middle of 1976, which takes me to something Ted Cassidy said in an interview…
Sat around, got drunk… John, Carolyn, Divorce… OKAY, I STOPPED.
seriously. Can you guys just stop throwing stones at Greene? Like, really?
Taking her away from acting, forcing her to move, BEATING HER (yeah, I’ve heard
You might not like him because he was yes, a little… err… a little nothing like
Robert Downey Jr or not so cute but use some reliable argument because saying
he was just a stupid asshole is so last summer!
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